Peter has been playing professionally for 5+ decades and is ready to utilize a multitude of musical styles with character and professionalism.
For clubs and parties
• For larger bands (3 musicians or more) the rate for a local (Greeley CO), 4 hour job is $175 per musician
• For a duo a 4 hour job is $400
• For a single a 4 hour job is $225
• For travel expenses add $.65 per mile-per vehicle (musicians often travel from other locales)
• For lodging expenses add $80 per musician, per night
• If jobs are booked on an ongoing basis, deduct 25% from the total figure.
• For overtime add $30 per musician/hour.
Special Programs
• I offer wedding service music custom-tailored using guitar and vocal or flute, for an extra $100 fee.
• For custom music performances (i.e. songs that are not on the song list), prepared music will be charged at the rate of $35 per song.
• For larger wedding music ensembles add $175 per musician.
Composing music and exploring musical genres
1. Song-writing: An overview of the elements of song writing such as song form, melody, harmony, introductions and endings. (all ages) Participants need pencil and paper and I need a blackboard.
2. Chart-writing: Explaining the written language of musical communication (i.e. the staff, notes, time signatures, musical symbols, chord symbols etc.) and the tools used in communicating musical ideas to other musicians. (For school or community bands and individuals with musical aptitudes) Materials requirements are as listed in activity 1.
3. Guitar workshops*: Group instruction for all ability levels. Materials requirements are as listed in activity number one. Bring your guitar.
4. Vocal and performance instruction: Breathing, movement, self-expression, and stress reduction techniques for performers. Materials requirements are as listed in activity 1. Bring your performance materials.
5. Brazilian samba: An interactive workshop that teaches the rhythms, instruments, history and spirit of samba. A stick, bottle, block of wood, box, a can of dried beans and you've got fun for all who desire to play rhythms, dance and celebrate in the Brazilian tradition. (grades 7 to adult) Most band-rooms have sufficient implements. I have many instruments and will talk with you about extras that may be used or needed.
6. Salsa class/workshop: The history and culture behind the Latin traditions that contribute to the music we now categorize as “Salsa”. From the Cuban “son” to the Venezuelan “valse” the Caribbean basin brings us many elements that are prominent in world popular music. Learn to play several of the instruments that characterize these styles. Peter Queal’s latest CD production of; Conjunto Varietal “DeCuba pa’Trinidad” ties in perfectly with this informative, interactive look at Salsa (grades 7 to adult). Materials requirements are as listed in activity 5.
Rate Card
One day: (up to three of the above activities) $250 + mileage (from Greeley CO), lodging and meals.
Two days: (up to six activities) $450 + mileage (from Greeley CO), lodging and meals..
Three days and beyond (could involve schools or towns in your area): Negotiable.
*The guitar is a melodic, harmonic, multi timbral, solo, ensemble, accompaniment, composition/arrangement tool that is inexpensive, portable, low maintenance, relatively quiet, and fun! Know more about how to play and teach guitar! If done correctly, students learn in every style. Play guitar by reading music or tablature, by ear, by example and experimentation. I'll show you how!
Many students want to play the guitar. An observer/teacher can turn experimentation into concrete technique and musicality to fuel the desire to play music.
1 hr
50 US dollars30 min
25 US dollars
Please get in touch and learn more about my music and performance.
Greeley Colorado